6 Expensive Grocery Items Even Frugal People Buy

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Brothers91 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Saving money on groceries sometimes feels like a contact sport. You peruse the sale ads, compare local stores to see which has the best prices on your favorites, and stock up when prices are down. But there are some items you don’t want to skimp on, and even the most frugal among us will pay up for these things.

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Here are six expensive grocery items that even frugal people splurge on.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A little goes a long way, especially when it comes to high-quality extra virgin olive oil. You’ll use less of the expensive stuff, so you could even save money in the long run. And the taste of lower-quality brands simply doesn’t compare.


Saving money on coffee is often more about the preparation than the coffee itself. Of course, frugal folks rarely buy their morning joe from a coffee shop — they brew it at home. Combining the right equipment, like a French press or pour-over setup, with the best beans provides a coffee experience that far outweighs the pricey latte at the local café — for a lot less money.

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Parmesan Cheese

Few grocery store finds provide more bang for the buck than parmesan cheese. The real deal appears to be pricey when you compare the cost per ounce, you get so much more flavor from freshly grated imported parmesan than from the kind in the can. There’s just no comparison.

Balsamic Vinegar

Warning: A high-quality bottle of imported balsamic vinegar will provide so much more flavor than the generic grocery store brand that you may use it on almost everything. Even if you go through it in record time, you’ll never return to the store brand — it’s that much better.

Spices and Herbs

You don’t need to buy fresh herbs or grind your spices to get the most flavor and value. But you do need to buy quality dried spices and herbs. This is another category where less is more when using high-quality flavorings.

Tomato Paste

Buying high-quality tomato paste lets you create restaurant-worthy sauces, curries, pasta dishes and more. If you’re used to the little can that your mother used to buy in the supermarket, try imported paste in a tube. You’ll find so many more uses for it and you’ll be amazed at what a difference it makes.

You may have noticed that these items have one thing in common. They are not the star of the meal — they’re not the main course, or even the sides. They are the condiments, flavorings and spices that can elevate those inexpensive cuts of meat and bargain veggies to chef-worthy delights, making them well worth the slightly higher price. Bon appetit!

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: 6 Expensive Grocery Items Even Frugal People Buy