Fully remote workers least satisfied with their jobs

Fully remote
Fully remote

Fully remote workers are the least satisfied with their jobs, according to a new survey.

Job dissatisfaction is highest among remote workers, a survey of 5,000 employees conducted by Indeed found, with one in six saying they would not describe their job as “good”.

Bill Richards, UK managing director of Indeed, said: “While remote working clearly has its upsides, specifically when it comes to work-life balance, our research indicates that those who work remotely all the time are less likely to feel a sense of satisfaction, pride and purpose in their work.

“Fully remote workers are also more likely to find it more difficult to feel connected to a company’s culture and potentially miss out on in-person development opportunities.”

60pc of remote employees said they were proud of their work, compared to 66pc of office workers and 70pc of hybrid workers.

Almost a fifth of remote workers said the lack of socialising was the main reason for job dissatisfaction.

Remote work has surged since the pandemic, with 16pc of all employees saying they work solely from home according to the most recent figures from the Office for National Statistics.

Companies were initially happy to give staff more flexibility to work from home. However, businesses are increasingly souring on remote and hybrid working amid concerns about its impact on creativity.

Businesses ranging from Disney and Amazon to Lloyds Bank have been stepping up requirements for staff to come into the office, in some cases threatening disciplinary action if staff refuse to comply.

The number of job openings advertised as remote or hybrid has declined from 16pc of all listings on Indeed at the start of 2023 to 14pc, the company said.

Mr Richards said: “Since the pandemic, businesses have increasingly seen the value in remote working to drive new opportunities, while reducing operational costs and attracting and retaining talent.

“But we’re beginning to see an unravelling of fully remote working with businesses stepping up efforts to get employees back in the office.”