How Labour got it wrong on housing, time and time again

Starmer - Ian Vogler/AFP
Starmer - Ian Vogler/AFP

Labour is trying to rebrand itself as the new “party of homeownership”, taking a mantle long held by the Conservatives.

Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to increase the home ownership rate to 70pc and help more first-time buyers get on to the housing ladder.

But experts have warned that Labour will face the same problems as the Conservatives and say the party is proposing ideas that will be ineffective or “misfire” by hurting homeowners and constraining the market.

Here we breakdown Labour's proposed policies on housing and look at how effective they will be in boosting Britain's homeowners.

Housebuilding targets of 300,000

Labour said it would reinstate mandatory housebuilding targets to deliver 300,000 homes a year, a promise the Conservative Party itself made before it abandoned the pledge last year.

The Prime Minister and his housing minister, Michael Gove, have been accused of giving into nimbyism.

But critics have pointed out that Labour MPs have also had a history of blocking efforts to increase housebuilding.

Rupa Huq, the Labour MP for Ealing in London, recently objected to a 26-storey tower scheme that would have provided 477 homes in her constituency.

In 2020, Labour opposed Government reforms to the planning system which would have fast-tracked developments in some areas through the use of a zoning system.

Steve Reed, then Shadow Communities and Local Government Secretary, accused the Government of trying to “silence communities and hand control over planning to developers”.

The Government dropped the reforms, which was welcomed by Shadow Levelling Up Secretary Lisa Nandy as recently as June 2022.

However, now that the Government is caving to backbenchers who want local communities to have more control over housebuilding, Labour has changed its tune.

James Vitali, a research fellow at the Policy Exchange think tank, said a Labour Government is likely to face the same problems as the Conservatives.

He said Labour has realised “there’s political currency in bashing the Government for housing”, but “the issues that have held up reform to the planning system for decades are not exclusive to the Conservative Party”.

“To be optimistic about a Labour housing policy we need to have more details on how they’re going to resolve a tension that has bedevilled the Conservative Party for a long time,” he said.

He added: “Saying you have a desire to build hundreds of thousands of homes is not the same as saying, ‘here are the detailed policies for how we're going to deliver them’.”

Limiting foreign buyer purchases

Labour has also said it would ban foreign buyers from buying more than 50pc of properties in any new build development.

The pledge is effectively meaningless because it is rare for foreign buyers to purchase such a large proportion of homes in a single development, experts have said.

Tom Wrigglesworth, of Leeds Building Society, said: “There’s some suggestion that actually that won't touch the sides because if you look at most new developments, they're typically buying less than 50pc, if anything.”

Kristian Niemietz, head of political economy at the Institute for Economic Affairs think tank, dismissed the policy as an “electoral gimmick”.

He said: “Most of the time when a foreign buyer buys a home here either they move here – in which case they are a British resident and are no longer foreign – or they leave that as a back-up option, but in that case it always makes sense to rent it out when you're not actively using it.

“Leaving it empty would not be a clever option, and in practice, it doesn't happen very often. The proportion of empty homes here is extremely low by international standards.”

Where foreign investors do buy more than 50pc of homes in a development, this may be a vital funding source.

Steve Turner, executive director of the Home Builders Federation, said: “Some large scale developments require upfront funding that investor buyers can provide.”

Samuel Hughes, head of housing at the Centre for Policy Studies think tank, said limiting foreign buyers could restrict the scope for providing new infrastructure and remediating complex brownfield sites.

First dibs for first-time buyers

Labour has promised to “give first-time buyers first dibs on new houses in their area”. First-time buyers would be the only ones allowed to purchase new builds for a set period – for instance, the first six months.

Mr Hughes warned of unintended consequences, saying: “Some first-time buyers are affluent young professionals, and some second-time buyers are struggling families in overcrowded flats – so as a redistributive measure it will misfire in some cases.

“In most cases, however, it will just be costly and ineffective: developers of higher-end developments will simply wait six months to sell, until the first dibs have expired on account of few first-time buyers being able to afford to use them.”

Mr Niemietz said this was unnecessary and would negatively impact other homeowners.

He said: “The housing market at the moment is like a game of musical chairs where you have more players than chairs. You can reserve some chairs for some players, in which case they will benefit from that, but by definition, that means somebody else loses out.

“This is just meddling with who is going to be first in the queue, but it's not changing the overall situation that there isn't enough to go around.”

Mr Turner said any “overly restrictive” or “bureaucratic” policies could threaten investment and constrain sales. He said new developments typically included homes of all types to cater to different households.

State-backed lending scheme

Labour said it will help first-time buyers by introducing a mortgage guarantee scheme.

However, the Government already has a mortgage guarantee scheme, which provides state-backed support for lenders offering 95pc mortgages.

The guarantee compensates mortgage lenders for part of the net losses if they have to repossess a home, applying to 80pc of the purchase value of the property.

Other lenders are not part of the scheme because they would have to pay a fee and prefer to guarantee their own 95pc loans.

Mr Wrigglesworth said it was unclear how the Labour scheme would differ from what is already in place.

He said it could be expanded by becoming mandatory for all lenders, but said this could create problems.

Mr Wrigglesworth said: “I think a lot of smaller lenders particularly would be quite damaged by that.”

Labour did not respond to a request for comment.