UK's Cuadrilla to appeal against shale gas permit refusals

LONDON, July 23 (Reuters) - British shale gas firm Cuadrilla Resources will appeal against a local government decision to refuse two planning permits to carry out hydraulic fracking in northwest England, the company said on Thursday.

Last month, Lancashire County Council refused the applications for what could have become Britain's first producing shale gas wells on grounds they would have unacceptable noise, traffic and visual impact.

In a statement on Tuesday, Cuadrilla Chief Executive Francis Egan said he was confident the company would "demonstrate to Lancashire and the UK that shale gas exploration and fracking is not only safe but represents a very real opportunity".

Appeals to planning decisions are typically dealt with by Britain's planning inspectorate on behalf of the government.

Britain's government is supportive of shale gas development, counting on the unconventional gas resources to help offset a decline in North Sea gas production. (Reporting by Karolin Schaps; editing by Susan Thomas)