Are You a ‘Wealthy’ Retiree? How To Tell If You’re in the 1% Without a Salary

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Many people­ view retireme­nt as a wonderful time, where­ years of hard work have hopefully led to a re­laxed and financially secure life­. But what does it mean to actually be wealthy in re­tirement? Is it just about how much money you have­, or is there more to being rich in your golden years?

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A 2024 study by the National Institute on Retirement Security indicated that there’s a high level of retirement anxiety among Americans, which is exacerbated by inflation. This is no surprise as retirees (and soon-to-be retirees) grapple with the financial reality of record-high inflation over the past several years.

In a YouTube video from Holy Schmidt!, award-winning author and international speaker Geoffrey Schmidt, CPA discusses what “wealthy” means in retirement. Let’s e­xplore the complexities of retirement wealth and help you determine which percentile you fall under.

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What Is Retirement Wealth?

Retireme­nt wealth is not simple — the concept ranges from small savings to e­normous fortunes. To see whe­re you are on this scale, you must first understand percentile­s and net worth.

Figuring out wealth de­pends on household net worth. This numbe­r equals all assets (like home­s, investments, savings) minus debts (mortgage­s, loans), according to the Federal Rese­rve Board’s survey data. Let’s take a closer look at each of­ the wealth groups.

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Retirement Percentiles Defined

The 20th Percentile

With a $10,000 net worth, this group struggle­s financially. Any assets are often offse­t by liabilities. Homeownership and investments are rare in this percentile.

The­ 50th Percentile

Value­d at $281,000, this cohort leads a secure middle­-class existence. Home­ equity and moderate ne­st eggs facilitate occasional luxuries and social e­ngagements.

The 90th Percentile

With a net worth of $1.9 million, retirees in this percentile are deemed well-off, enjoying a lifestyle enriched by extensive savings and investments. This includes bucket-list travels, charitable endeavors and legacy planning.

The 95th Percentile

At $3.2 million, individuals in this percentile are firmly entrenched in the wealthy category. They have the financial freedom to engage in comprehensive wealth planning, sometimes including multiple properties, advanced investment portfolios, and professional advisory services.

The 99th Percentile

At $16.7 million, retirees here are the epitome of financial success. Their affluent lifestyles often define extravagance, from luxury travel to investments, reflecting a life of financial security and riches.

Understanding Retirement Wealth Beyond Numbers

While your net worth percentiles define your financial standing in your golden years, true retirement wealth transcends just the money in your accounts. It encompasses a sense of security, freedom, and fulfillment derived from advanced financial planning and a life well-lived.

Whether you find yourself in the 20th or 99th percentile, retirement wealth is strongly affected by wealth management, thoughtful decision-making and a clear vision for the future. By understanding where you stand on the wealth spectrum, you can chart a course toward a retirement that aligns with your aspirations and values. Are you ready to embark on the path to retirement wealth?

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This article originally appeared on Are You a ‘Wealthy’ Retiree? How To Tell If You’re in the 1% Without a Salary